By Jennifer Powell on Apr 21, 2016 in Instagram, Social Media Writing |
If you like pictures or your business involves anything even remotely visual, then you should be looking at Instagram as you put together your social media plan.
Instagram is an easy-to-use photo sharing site. It’s a way to connect with like-minded people and to help people find you and figure out who you are.
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By Jennifer Powell on Mar 25, 2016 in Blog Writing, Social Media Writing |
As a writer, I love words. I can talk to you until the cows are bored about how important the words are and how to put them together to explain to your reader exactly what’s on your mind. And, as a writer, I want readers. And, readers are attracted by photos.
So, as you expand your blogging and social media efforts, learning about how to use photos matters as much as learning about how to use the words.
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By Jennifer Powell on Mar 7, 2016 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing |
What words describe your brand?
That is one of the most important questions you can answer before spending any time posting, tweeting or blogging. Why?
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By Jennifer Powell on Mar 1, 2016 in Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing |
I’ve been working a lot with business owners who want to get started on social media but are having a hard time finding the time or knowing where to start. They believe it’s important but they’re not sure what to expect.
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By Jennifer Powell on Aug 8, 2014 in Social Media Writing |
The other day as I was looking for a repair shop I came across a Yelp listing with some rather negative comments about the service people in a particular shop. It’s the sort of thing a business owner dreads to see. But it’s inevitable that sooner or later if you grow a big enough audience someone is going to say something less than positive. It may even...
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By Jennifer Powell on Mar 20, 2013 in Social Media Writing |
Do you want to be one of the cool kids? Do you want people to read what you write or buy what you have to sell? Yes? Then you need an audience. And how do you get his audience? These days its a no brainer to say the quickest most effective way is on line. But what does that really entail? The most obvious answer is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and blogs. But how...
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