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Posts by Jen

The Benefits of Freelance Writing (and How to Be Successful)

The Benefits of Freelance Writing (and How to Be Successful)

By on Mar 15, 2022 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

A Guest Post by Davis Jameson The freelance work model has been around for a while, but the rising trend of people becoming freelancers has become undeniable in recent years. Most Gen-Zers are opting for the freelance lifestyle, and other working generations are taking advantage of ample opportunities. And if you’re a writer, you’re perhaps in the ideal position to...

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Turning Mistakes Into Opportunities

Turning Mistakes Into Opportunities

By on May 26, 2020 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing | 0 comments

It was just another day with another important marketing campaign underway. We were about to send an email that had taken many hours over many days. It was carefully planned and carefully set up. Several rounds of revision had yielded a marketing masterpiece. The words just right. The graphics eye-catching. The call-to-actions pitch-perfect.  Hit send? Hit send. ...

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What to Write During a Global Pandemic or other Such Crisis

What to Write During a Global Pandemic or other Such Crisis

By on Apr 28, 2020 in Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

There is a big and hairy scary question facing anyone who is writing a business blog during this pandemic. Do you write about it or not?  If you choose to not write about it will your readers think you are ignoring the obvious? Are you risking being irrelevant at the moment? If you do write about it, will you be seen as exploiting the situation and perhaps even...

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Finding the Right Words During Unsettling Times

Finding the Right Words During Unsettling Times

By on Mar 26, 2020 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

The bread shelves were empty, but at least there were Cosmic Brownies. This has certainly been a time of adapting. Now more than ever, the future of our businesses depends on our ability to pivot and persevere. A big part of that is outreach to customers and clients. But where do you begin when you don’t know what next month holds, let alone this afternoon?...

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Authentic and Effective Marketing in a Pandemic

Authentic and Effective Marketing in a Pandemic

By on Mar 16, 2020 in Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing | 0 comments

How do you market in the midst of a Coronavirus pandemic that is uprooting all sense of normalcy across the globe? Especially when the response is a massive call for social distancing, which is the exact opposite of what we generally strive to achieve? Start with some deep breaths. Recognize that with the shifting landscape, there is a need to pivot and adapt our...

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