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Maximizing Customer Engagement Through Emotional Communication

Maximizing Customer Engagement Through Emotional Communication

By on Feb 9, 2023 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

Guest Post As a good business owner, you’ve probably thought a lot about what your customer needs and prefers. But what about how they feel? It’s not enough to have the right product or service at the right time, you need to make an emotional connection with your customer. That emotional connection creates a bond that leads them to not only buy but also...

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What to Write During a Global Pandemic or other Such Crisis

What to Write During a Global Pandemic or other Such Crisis

By on Apr 28, 2020 in Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

There is a big and hairy scary question facing anyone who is writing a business blog during this pandemic. Do you write about it or not?  If you choose to not write about it will your readers think you are ignoring the obvious? Are you risking being irrelevant at the moment? If you do write about it, will you be seen as exploiting the situation and perhaps even...

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Finding the Right Words During Unsettling Times

Finding the Right Words During Unsettling Times

By on Mar 26, 2020 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

The bread shelves were empty, but at least there were Cosmic Brownies. This has certainly been a time of adapting. Now more than ever, the future of our businesses depends on our ability to pivot and persevere. A big part of that is outreach to customers and clients. But where do you begin when you don’t know what next month holds, let alone this afternoon?...

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Thoughts on Being Thankful Specifically

Thoughts on Being Thankful Specifically

By on Nov 22, 2016 in Blog Writing, Writing | 2 comments

Why did the Pilgrims celebrate Thanksgiving? Basically, it seems, they were thrilled that they had food. It had been a rough journey across the ocean and a shaky start in their new home.

The holiday was celebrated generally over the years but it didn’t really become a big national thing until around the time of the Civil War. According to the History Channel, Sarah Josepha Hale, a writer and editor, advocated for a day of thanks. And, in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln declared the last Thursday of November to officially be a national holiday for giving thanks as a way to bring together a divided country.

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Stay Committed to Your Book, Even if it Takes Years, Author Says

Stay Committed to Your Book, Even if it Takes Years, Author Says

By on Oct 1, 2015 in Author's Corner, Writing | 2 comments

Non-profit organizations may have different goals than for-profit companies, but they still have a brand that is either working for or against them. Michele Levy works with these groups to understand their brand and how to define, refine and promote it to support their mission. She also wrote the book on how to do it right. In Building Your Brand, A Practical Guide...

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Do You Need a Deadline?

Do You Need a Deadline?

By on Sep 18, 2015 in Writing | 0 comments

If you are thinking about writing a book or an article, I’d love to hear about it. If you’re serious about the writing, it’s a good idea to share with someone. It makes it more real and forces you to define your project. If you do tell me, be forewarned that I will ask you about it often until you tell me it’s done or that you’ve set it aside indefinitely. I’ll ask...

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