Sample Page
This is an example page. It’s different from a blog post because it will stay in one place and will show up in your site navigation (in most themes). Most people start with an About page that introduces them to potential site visitors. It might say something like this:
Hi there! I’m a bike messenger by day, aspiring actor by night, and this is my blog. I live in Los Angeles, have a great dog named Jack, and I like piña coladas. (And gettin’ caught in the rain.)
…or something like this:
The XYZ Doohickey Company was founded in 1971, and has been providing quality doohickies to the public ever since. Located in Gotham City, XYZ employs over 2,000 people and does all kinds of awesome things for the Gotham community.
As a new WordPress user, you should go to your dashboard to delete this page and create new pages for your content. Have fun!
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 2:13 am in Uncategorized | 2 comments
I did something I thought I’d never do this morning: I ran a 5K race in the rain. Pouring rain. Buckets of heavy rain. I wasn’t the only one, but there weren’t a lot of us.
Here’s the thing – I thought it would be awful. I thought I would hate it. I thought I’d have my worse time ever. So why did I do it? Well, when I woke up and heard the rain I thought to myself that it was pretty comfortable where I was and that no one would hold it against me if I didn’t get up. The whole day I could say, well I was going to run a race, but the rain… (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 11:31 pm in Uncategorized | 0 comments
About the closest I get to biking these days is walking my bike along side my 4 year old who is still on training wheels, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when DH suggested mountain biking through the woods. We decided having not done this for years that we would stick to what looked on the map to be the main trail. If that was the main trail, I shudder to think about what the off road looked like. (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 12:58 am in Uncategorized | 0 comments
I finally signed up for Twitter. I avoided it until now since I already have so many things demanding my attention. But, I needed something to write about for my column and I’d been hearing how great it is for small businesses. I decided to find out for myself. Signing up wasn’t too difficult, although all the names I wanted were already taken. The problem came after I signed up when I was faced with a little box demanding a brilliant statement in fewer than 140 words. Seldom am I at a loss for words, but this was intimidating. What if I wrote something ridiculous? I envisioned the entire internet community either laughing it’s collective tush off at me, scoffing, or even worse (and more likely) not noticing at all. It’s sort of like going into a crowded room and trying to get attention when everyone is shouting all at once. Will this bring me fame and fortune? Will it be a waste of time? We’ll find out.
I’m still running – I’m up to two outfits, a great pair of shoes, an armband for the ipod and still shopping. Oh, and I’ve bumped up to three miles.
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 6:23 pm in Uncategorized | 0 comments
On a recent morning, I was so stressed out that I found myself lost in the cleaning aisle of Target. Overwhelmed by the options of disposable dusting cloths, I called my husband. His advice? Go running. Forget cleaning, get some exercise.
Good idea.
I headed home, eager to get into my running togs and take off. Then it occured to me, I don’t really have any running togs. The closest thing I have to running shoes are a sneakers I bought at a discount store three (four?) years ago. My stop watch stopped working at least six months ago. It was clear – I needed running stuff. Socks, shorts, an armband for my I-pod. I resisted for awhile. I dug out an old pair of shorts and borrowed the six year old’s pink head phones. But then I realized this strategy just isn’t good for the economy. How are things going to improve if I don’t spend money? Everyone from the shoe salesman to the seamstress in China are counting on me to do that consumer thing and buy, buy, buy! Tops, hats, headphones, windbreakers, shorts…to quote High School Musical 2 “I want it all…” I can’t promise that I will single handidly save the economy with my sudden fitness urge, but I promise I’ll try!
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 12:15 am in Uncategorized | 1 comment
An email unexpectedly popped up in my inbox the other day. It was from myself. Or at least the self I was a year ago. It was a reminder to me that at that time I  was pondering about what to do with the writing business, struggling with teenage angst (that of my children, not my own, thankfully), and trying to soak up the joyful wonder of the little ones who still think I’m the best mom in the whole world. (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 1:57 am in Uncategorized | 1 comment
Deadline means different things to  many people. For my husband it is getting things accomplished at whatever cost as long as it is complete by his mental deadline.
For a writer, the word deadline is the line you draw in your head and avoid stepping over regardless of how many nights of sleep you have missed. (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 3:32 pm in Uncategorized | 0 comments
I had the delightful experience of bringing my three-year-old daughter on the train into Boston the other day. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She is delighted to see all the people and make comments about them, although sometimes a little too loudly. Yes, man does look like a beach ball, but shh… (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 11:40 am in Uncategorized | 0 comments
There is a condition that happens to writers, an illness that grips their very souls. It’s even more horrible than writer’s block, which involves sitting at a blank screen with no words coming to mind. In that debilitating state a writer feels useless. No, worse – impotent. You know there is much to be said but you can’t figure out what to say. Even if you can write a sentence, you’re sure no one would want to read it. (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 4:33 pm in Uncategorized | 0 comments
Way back in 7th grade, my elderly English teacher told us to think about our audience before we started writing. I didn’t really understand that exercise since obviously she was the only one who would read it. But she had a point.
It helps when you write to think about one person who will read your piece. Imagine that you are writing for just one person. It may help to think about a real person. When I was a reporter, I would think about my grandmother. How would I make the story interesting to her? What details would interest her? I knew that if I could make my Bridge-loving grandma in Wisconsin care about a small biotechnology company in Massachusetts, the story would probably appeal to a local audience with a natural interest. (more…)
Posted by Jennifer Powell on 3:22 am in Uncategorized | 1 comment
Good writing starts with good questions. We have a natural curiosity about the world that led us into the world of journalism. As reporters, we honed our skills, learning how to gather information and sift through it to find the facts and details that will grab a readers attention and make them interested in a very important story – your story. Whether you need to get the word out about a project, influence public opinion or highlight a new executive, we can help you define your story and make it compelling. We work with you to tell your story in a voice that fits your organization and will appeal to your audience.