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Posts by Jen

How to Write a Press Release that Will Get Attention

By on Nov 15, 2019 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

You have a story to tell. A great story that people will be interested in. It could be an event, new product development or the launch of a service. Regardless, it’s something you know that others want to know about if only you can get the info to them. You can put it on your blog and post it to your social channels, and that will help you reach the audience. But,...

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How to Manage Visitor Posts on Your Company Facebook Page

How to Manage Visitor Posts on Your Company Facebook Page

By on Nov 6, 2018 in Facebook, Social Media Writing | 36 comments

NOTE added 5/9/2020: It appears that Facebook has changed the procedure for going to a page’s activity log. Now when you follow the instructions provided by Facebook, you are taken to your personal activity log rather than the page’s activity log. This is causing hours of frustration for users. I have submitted questions on Facebook and researched but I...

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Author of Inbound PR Offers Insights on Writing

Author of Inbound PR Offers Insights on Writing

By on Sep 19, 2018 in Author's Corner | 0 comments

Iliyana Stareva, global partner program manager at HubSpot, had developed the concept of applying the principals of inbound marketing to public relations. She had written several pieces on the idea and was giving talks about it, but felt more was needed. At the urging of colleagues and mentors, she contemplated writing a book. It was not an easy task given her other...

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Start a Hopper File to Keep Track of Your Great Ideas

Start a Hopper File to Keep Track of Your Great Ideas

By on Jun 14, 2018 in Business Management, Communication Strategy | 1 comment

I have a great idea to promote my business. I’m going to write a newsletter every month with tips on how to do marketing. And I’ll start writing it just as soon as I finish my client’s blog. But first, I need to set up Mail Chimp and if I’m going to have a newsletter, I should put up a signup pop up box on my website. And I will do all of that just after I schedule...

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