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Posts Tagged "communication"

Turning Mistakes Into Opportunities

Turning Mistakes Into Opportunities

By on May 26, 2020 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing | 0 comments

It was just another day with another important marketing campaign underway. We were about to send an email that had taken many hours over many days. It was carefully planned and carefully set up. Several rounds of revision had yielded a marketing masterpiece. The words just right. The graphics eye-catching. The call-to-actions pitch-perfect.  Hit send? Hit send. ...

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The Road to Good Communication is Paved with Active Listening

The Road to Good Communication is Paved with Active Listening

By on Mar 30, 2017 in Communication Strategy | 2 comments

In my business, we talk a lot about what to say, how to say it and when. The focus is on using words both on screen and in person to communicate a message. But there’s another side to the conversation.

While it is important to know how to talk, it is also important to know how to listen. The thing about being a good listener is that you will not only be better informed but also find it easier to get your message across. When people feel they have been heard, they are more open to hearing.

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