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Posts Tagged "blogging"

Maximizing Customer Engagement Through Emotional Communication

Maximizing Customer Engagement Through Emotional Communication

By on Feb 9, 2023 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing, What to Write About, Writing | 0 comments

Guest Post As a good business owner, you’ve probably thought a lot about what your customer needs and prefers. But what about how they feel? It’s not enough to have the right product or service at the right time, you need to make an emotional connection with your customer. That emotional connection creates a bond that leads them to not only buy but also...

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What is a Pain Point and Why Does it Matter?

What is a Pain Point and Why Does it Matter?

By on Jun 20, 2017 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing | 0 comments

It’s important in business to understand what your customer wants, but it’s even more important to understand why. What are the underlying needs, issues, concerns or problems that are driving people to seek out a particular product or service? Knowing the answers will help you create better content for your blog and social media.

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How to Find the Best Day and Time for Blogging

How to Find the Best Day and Time for Blogging

By on May 23, 2017 in Blog Writing | 1 comment

Most people think successful blogging is about writing, but that’s only part of it. It’s really about decision making. What are you going to write about? How are you going to write it? And finally, when will you post it?

Should it go up first thing Monday morning so people can start their week right? Or is Friday afternoon better because they’re winding down? Maybe Wednesday morning as a mid-week boost?

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How to Get a Headshot that Says 1,000 Words

How to Get a Headshot that Says 1,000 Words

By on Apr 14, 2017 in Communication Strategy | 0 comments

It seemed like a simple request from my client. She wanted a serious headshot and one that showed the lighter side for her website. But how often is it simple when it comes to photos?

My last headshot was taken more than two years ago when I had shorter hair. In the one before that, I had almost curly hair and fewer worries. Neither fit her goal. Besides, they were no longer quite accurate, which means they aren’t quite authentic. And went it comes to online marketing, authenticity matters.

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Make Time to Update Online Social Media Profiles

Make Time to Update Online Social Media Profiles

By on Mar 20, 2017 in Blog Writing, Communication Strategy, Social Media Writing | 0 comments

Would you call you? One of the best bits of wisdom I picked up in the early stages of my business is that people want to do business with people they know, like and trust. I have found this to be true and a little frustrating. Afterall, you can only meet so many people in a day. If you can’t meet them, how are they ever going to like and trust you? Fortunately, there is the internet, which gives us the capacity to meet people from all over the world with whom we could potentially do business.

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