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Just for fun – another way to break out of a writing rut

By on May 3, 2013 in Uncategorized | 2 comments

Stuck on a paragraph? Bored with your sentence? Not sure if the piece is going in the right direction? Try doing something totally different with the subject. Take a shot at writing about it in a completely different voice. Use the same information but take a whole new tactic.  How would you write it for a five year old? What if you were for your best friend? How would it sound if it were headed to the desk of your former sixth grade English teacher?

You can get as wild and crazy as you like because this isn’t something you would actually send out or even show to anyone – it’s just for you to loosen up and get a new perspective. Maybe you will end up sending the entire thing to the trash after you’ve had your fun or maybe you will find a new phrase or two you like.

In writing for a different audience, you are forced to think about the material in a new way. You will likely ask yourself different questions about it and consider things you hadn’t before.  You will have to stretch to find alternative ways to communicate. Then you can go back to what you were doing, hopefully with more enthusiasm.



  1. Great idea, Jen. How about writing it from your dog’s point of view – wait a minute. I’ve actually done that. It did make the writing easier I must say

    Marvin Kane

    May 3, 2013

  2. Great idea, Jen. How about writing it from your dog’s point of view – wait a minute. I’ve actually done that. It did make the writing easier I must say

    Marvin Kane

    May 3, 2013

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